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about me
Hi, my name is Aster. I'm 18 years old and I like making art. I usually work on my idea while making it. The art comes first; the concept emerges along the way. I like to express myself by using colours that have a meaning or emotion. Art in general, as well as my surroundings inspire me to make my own creations. Family and friends inspire me too, that’s why I use them in my drawings as a subject matter. I make what I want the moment it pops up in my head. I first have an idea in my mind and then I start thinking about which materials to work with. My interests are film, music and just fantasizing, ..dreaming about my life. That’s why I like making films or videos as an experiment and to express my way of thinking. To add music to it completes it all. When I’m around people I’m usually quiet. I am in my head most of the time, daydreaming or overthinking. I’ve got a very vivid imagination.
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